Specialty Coffee Colombia “Mokka Natural – Finca Hawaii”

Moka is the name of the millenary Yemenite port that was in a strategic point of the ancient Incense Route, and that from 500 AD it was erected as the center of collection and distribution of African coffee for a few more centuries. The port was founded in the 14th century by Shaykh Shadhili, a Sufi, who is said to have introduced the habit of drinking coffee in Arabia. From the port of Moka, the coffee was extended to the entire Arabian Peninsula, to the southwest of Asia, Europe, India, Indonesia and finally to Tropical America. Today, that port has been invaded by sand dunes that have eliminated it as a port. However, from that peninsula of Yemen emerged the genetic material of coffee that has given rise to the vast majority of varieties that we currently enjoy in the world, including the variety that bears his name: Moka.

Variety of round, thin, small, slightly pointed grains, which give a cup of great quality whose main characteristic is certain chocolate flavor. The authentic Yemen Moka is an ancient coffee and very close to the genetic origin of Arabica Coffea.

The Moka of Café Granja La Esperanza came to us from a genetic material that came from Yemen to Hawaii where it was cultivated, from there it traveled to Colombia. Its cup expresses the complex, exotic and millennial character of this extraordinary variety. In our preparation protocol, it is outlined as an excellent espresso coffee.

You can choose your favorite type of roasting:
– Light roast : ideal for alternative systems of extraction as v60, Chemex, french press, aeropress, syphon and filter coffee machine
– Espresso roast : perfect for espresso, moka and napoletana as well as for alternative extraction systems

P.S. Specialty coffees are roasted only on order, and according to the specifications indicated by the customer, to ensure maximum freshness and quality. This means that, not being a coffee continuously roasted, it is not immediately available in stock and ready for shipping but it requires a few more days of waiting than other products.

$1 098.00

SKU: specialty-colombia-mokka-natural-hawaii
