Water decaffeinated coffee beans 250 g


This coffee is for connoisseurs, for people in love with aromatic acidity, which is enhanced by the water decaffeination process.

This is the decaffeinated coffee for fans of specialty coffees, where citrus fruits, lemon peel and grapefruit play a major role. This decaffeination method uses only water as solvent for the extraction of caffeine; water and coffee are brought into contact at a temperature that allows the extraction process to start. Water, which is not a very selective solvent for the extraction of caffeine alone, extracts all the water-soluble substances from the coffee. Consequently, water has to pass through a bed of special activated carbons, with high selectivity towards caffeine, so that the aqueous solution deprived of caffeine can then be concentrated and re-incorporated into the coffee.


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SKU: 31218
Water decaffeinated coffee blend in beans
<0,10 %
Aroma protection packaging, with one-way valve. Packaged in a protective atmosphere.
Slightly dark
Notes of citrus fruits, lemon peel, grapefruit, persimmon. Use high grammage for espresso.
Mappa mondo
Colombia, Guatemala, India
